A fruitful meeting was held with ICST Campus Sri Lanka and Simian International/AMS Group

A fruitful meeting was held with ICST Campus Sri Lanka and Simian International/AMS Group regarding implementing a scaffolding training centre to assist with the training of local people to develop skills for life.

Co-founder of the ICST University Park campus MLAM Hizbullah, chairman Eng. Hiras Hizbullah, Simian International l Specialist in Vocational Trainings. Managing Director Ian Fyall CMIOSH FIIRSM CMAPS, and Shiyam Mohamed , Director AMS Sri Lanka, met.

The facilities were excellent, and the meeting was warmly received. Invoking such regulations and standardisation would provide a benchmark for lowering the mortality and accident rate, increasing productivity, saving money, and contributing to the GDP and future of Sri Lanka.

  • The first aspect of the discussion was training professional scaffolders from Sri Lanka and placing them in better workplaces like oil and gas globally, especially in the Middle East.

  • The second aspect was improving the quality of scaffolding throughout the country, which will save many lives.


In Sri Lanka, scaffolding construction methods have not evolved in decades. Even when building high-rise structures, frame, timber, and bamboo are still utilized. Eng. Hiras, the chairman of the ICST of Sri Lanka, mentioned that numerous deaths linked to scaffolding have been reported in recent years. This is mostly because scaffoldings were built and used in an unprofessional and unsafe manner.

Scaffolding is becoming the most necessary device that is and will be utilised in Sri Lanka’s rapidly expanding construction industry, which includes many high-rise buildings. In order to address this, the ICST is collaborating with AMS/Simian International to provide globally recognised accredited courses through the UK awarding authority, Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) The first project of this strategic cooperation will be to create and construct a training program for scaffolding.

We are now committed to getting this project over the line and seeing the scaffold and work at height standards improve throughout the country by training and development of instructors.